Welcome to the Winter 2014 issue of the Network Industries Newsletter, which is dedicated to the topic of “Business Groups in Network Industries”. Business groups are generally understood as collections of heterogeneous companies tied together by formal and informal...
Corporate governance of public utilities
Corporate governance of public utilities In recent years, corporate governance has been one of the most discussed issues among authorities, politicians, business people, scholars and commentators. Although this attention is particularly due to well-publicized...
Regulating Railways
Regulating Railways The rail sector in Europe like other network industries is in a process of organizational restructuring that is part of different forms of liberalisation as well as de- and re-regulation. In this process many approaches to railway regulation are...
Consumer Involvement in Network Industries’ Regulation
Consumer Involvement in Network Industries' Regulation This issue of Network Industries Quarterly focuses on the question of consumer involvement in the regulation of the network industries, a topic we have not addressed so far. The issue features four unique...