The challenges of digitalization and the use of data

This Issue of the Network Industries Quarterly focuses on the challenges of digitalization and the use of data. Some of the best papers presented at the 5th Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures are presented in this issue of the Network Industries Quarterly. 

Selected academics and practitioners have been invited to Florence on June 24th 2016 at the Annual Conference of the Florence School of Regulation to discuss the latest developments in the regulation of different network industries, namely transport, energy, telecoms and water distribution. The fifth edition of the Conference on the Regulation of Infrastructures had a special focus on digitalization and the use of data, which is a topic that cuts across all network industries and is highly debated. 10 papers have been presented in five round table sessions, each dedicated to one of the discussed industries. Moreover, all the research areas of the Florence School of Regulation (Communications and Media, Energy, Transport, and Water regulation) were present with a dedicated session, and they also all attended a joint session on cross-cutting issue. 

We hope that you find these contributions interesting. You can also find the complete archive of previous issues of NIQ in our new website at 

Are you also interested in governance of infrastructures in cities? If yes, please visit the IGLUS platform at which is our dedicated platform to envision Innovative Governance of Large Urban Systems! In IGLUS, We have currently launched a MOOC on Management of Urban Infrastructures which is a free course diffused through the Coursera platform. For more information about this online course, please visit us at

Separate articles can be downloaded from the links below: